Leyla Bilali, BSN, RN

Leyla Bilali, BSN, RN

Leyla Bilali is the Co-Founder and Chief Clinical Officer atDandi. Leyla’s unique perspective as both a fertility expert and IVF patient provide her unparalleled insight into the type of care that fertility patients so desperately need. With more than a decade of nursing experience, Leyla started her career as a pediatric nurse before pivoting to the field of reproductive endocrinology. She honed her skills at one of NYC’s top fertility clinics, where she helped thousands of patients through her exceptional nursing care,unconditional compassion, and even a bit of humor! Leyla quickly realized her calling as “The Fertility Fairy Godmother,” and founded her own fertility consulting service, Fertility Together, to provide patients personalized, compassionate care throughout their IVF journey, supporting patients in all the critical moments outside of the clinic. As a three-time fertility patient herself, Leyla understands firsthand the emotional rollercoaster of this journey, and is able to provide empathetic, personalized counsel to her patients. Leyla’s unique experiences inspired Dandi’s virtual support services, filling a gap in the care journey by providing guidance, coaching, education that is real-time, personalized and medically-credible.
